Have the blogs I wrote encouraged, helped and ministered to you?

Lauren 'Spirit' says...

Hey people! It's your girl Lauren 'Spirit'! I am honoured, delighted and glad to be the person to encourage, to inspire and spread the word to you because Jesus said we should go all out to the world and spread the news to the people (Mark 16:16).

My aim is to reach young people and touch lives by the messages I post. It is not by my own knowledge, skill or technique but it is the inspiration of God that allows me to write the messages. I know that you will be blessed!

God bless you and I love you!

Your girl, Lauren 'Spirit' x

Sunday 7 November 2010


Hey godly peoples! How are you? I trust that you are doing well in the mighty name of Jesus! It has been a while since I have written a note but I have found a perfect opportunity to share a sermon that I spoke at a Youth Service quite recently. The topic of my sermonette, if there is such a thing, is 'Living for The Moment'. Before I begin my sermonette, I pray that you will be blessed, and I hope that you will receive, gain and acquire the revelation from the verbatim of this message.

The Scripture reading for this message is taken from 2 Samuel 11:1-4:

1 And it came to pass, after the year was expired, at the time when kings go forth to battle, that David sent Joab, and his servants with him, and all Israel; and they destroyed the children of Ammon, and besieged Rabbah. But David tarried still at Jerusalem.

2 And it came to pass in an eveningtide, that David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king's house: and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon.

3 And David sent and enquired after the woman. And one said, Is not this Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite?

4 And David sent messengers, and took her; and she came in unto him, and he lay with her; for she was purified from her uncleanness: and she returned unto her house.

From this passage of Scripture, we understand that after a year had passed, when all the battling was taking place, David decided to remain at Jerusalem. We also capture an image of David observing from his window, as he arose from his bed, that he saw a beautiful woman, by the name of Bathsheba bathing herself. I assume at those times, they didn't have any curtains for privacy, or unless she was just plain bold to wash herself conspicuously. We have an image of David observing this woman, as she baths herself he is desiring after her...

Before I move on, let me go back to the basic details of David.

Who was David? David had many roles to play, and such were:

  • A king
  • The Son of Jesse
  • A shepherd
  • A musician/psalmist
  • A defeater of a philistine
  • A man after God's own heart

Now that I have given basic roles of who David was, I will now negotiate the scenario of David when he saw Bathsheba.

What happened when David saw Bathsheba?

When David saw Bathsheba washing herself from his window, he fell in love with her by what he saw because she was a beautiful woman according to what the Scripture says in verse 2. David desired Bathsheba; it was a strong desire he had for her and he wanted her for him. He disregarded the fact that she was already in covenant with someone, in other words, she was married, but because his desire for her was so strong, he did something that was totally out of character, he sent one of his servants to kill her husband Uriah. But why did David decided to do something that was totally insidious? It was because David was LIVING THE MOMENT OF....LUST!

If I were to compare this scenario to modern's society, the episode would be exactly the same and in fact, it is exactly the same! We as people, especially young people, lust after things that grab our attention. Such things like ravings, drinking or drunkenness, sex out of marriage, relationships, wealth, fame, popularity and the list is unremitting. We only live for that moment and we don't think to consider the future that God has designed for us. We engage in lusting with the things that we see, the lust of the eyes, as it's appealing to our flesh and we become oblivious to the promise that God has yet to manifest.

Let me be real with you readers, and to myself because I am not exempt from this; if we only live for the moment, the temporary things that look nice, the things that captivates our attention, if we please and satisfy the flesh with our lust we cannot obtain the promises of God. What are one of God's promises? Psalm 23:6 "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life..." we cannot obtain this promise if we continue to fool around in the moment of lust because goodness and mercy following us all the days of our lives requires holiness and righteous living. In order to receive his promises we have to sacrifice, set apart, leave behind, forsake, desert, ditch, abandon, strand and leave hanging the things we enjoy that does not edify our spirit. We have to put them away and prioritize God instead!

I'm going to ask you rhetorical questions that will stimulate thought: What is your Bathsheba? Who is your Bathsheba? Where is your Bathsheba? Is your Bathsheba a 'he' or is it a 'her'? Is your Bathsheba a rave, a drink or a mobile phone? Whatever your Bathsheba maybe, you have to let them go and concentrate on obtaining God's promises!

Matthew 6:33: "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" All these things, which are the promises of God, shall be added to you life.

God bless you!

Lauren 'Spirit'

Monday 12 July 2010



§ 1 Thessalonians 5:23

§ 3 John 2

§ 1 Corinthians 6:16

§ Amos 3:3


We all know that since the sexual revolution, things that are ought to be private are now public, blatant and overt. Sex is used to sell all kinds of products and our culture has moved away from Judeo Christian ethics. We are now free to express ourselves and our sexuality. There are no longer boundaries with flaunting our bodies, and explicitly showing off ourselves to the opposite sexes.

Those who lived or have lived a promiscuous life or have encountered a long lasting relationship that has left you hurt, wounded and broken may need to be set free. You need to break that soul tie! Be free this day from flashbacks. You carry a part of that person’s soul and they carry a part of your soul. You may find it hard to belief but their pain becomes your pain, even the music or song you used to listen to together will still tug at your heart’s string. Why? Because there is a soul tie that needs to be broken.

Here is an example: I may be able to pay off a debt on a credit card, or the bank may withdraw it and underwrite the debt. But the debt of sexual sin debits your account and can never be paid unless God wipes it clean.


What is a covenant? According to the Chambers dictionary, a covenant is: “a mutual agreement”, “an engagement entered into between God and a person or a people”, “to enter into an agreement”. We have definitions of what a covenant is…I’m going to illustrate a covenant based on sexual relationship.

A marriage is in a blood covenant. The parties, the husband and wife, cut the covenant. The virgin bride, who is now a wife, then sheds blood, which is the hymen (from which we get our word ‘hymn’). The man, the bridegroom who is the husband has entered her soul and vice versa. Now imagine you’re having those relationships with multiple partners…your soul is splintered and in pieces.

This may sound gruesome and grotesque, but imagine those who have sex with animals; their soul must be violent and base, degrading and debauchery. Also, imagine those who have sex with the dead necrophilia.

I know we have repented of our sins and God has forgiven us and saved us, but there is a process of repossessing those parts of us and aligning those splintered parts with our destiny and God given purpose so that we can give all of us to our spouses, to our friends and to God. Genesis 34:8: “…the soul of my son longs for her…” any outstanding pieces will always be reaching out for something it’s tied to (Proverbs 5:20-22). The cords of sexual sin that wraps itself like tentacles around our soul which causes a pulling and a tugging, and we wonder why in seasons we feel frustrated, it’s because it is a soul tie.

I encourage you to break that tie! I’m telling you to lose that man and that woman with the power invested in me, let them go! Brother and Sister, you are free from that infirmity, in the name of Jesus! Amen!

According to Genesis 2:23, God created male and female and man formed a union. Adam said of Eve, “bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called Woman.” Bone in the Hebrew language is ESTEM, which means selfsame essence or substance, same life, essence or nature of a thing. It’s a marker of which something consists as one of the same. So, we can say what Adam said of Eve and change it for bone because the word ‘bone’ is essence of my essence, substance of my substance. The word ‘flesh’ is BASAR which is body, entire; complete being including the total person and also KIN or myself. The man is now of the selfsame essence and substance as the woman. They one and the same, one body, one life. When they look at each other, they see themselves, that’s the beauty of a relationship, a covenanted marital. However, outside of marriage, the same applies but it is illegal in the economy of our Maker.


By the time we come to marriage, our soul is in pieces residing in places we don’t own, working in places we don’t connect with. Pieces of us lying out there, maybe depressed. You and I need to RECLAIM and appropriate our souls.

Some of you may think or feel or say this: “I feel blasé about this. I am alright but I want to minister to others who may not be able to do this or who may not know how to appropriate this.” But I will tell you to stop being selfish and help someone else!

No sin is bigger than the other where the blood is concerned but some carry greater consequences than others. (Read 1 Corinthians 6:15-16).

I’m going to show you and break down the route words for prostitution: PORNE – female, PORNOS – male, PORNIA – fornication, from which our word ‘prostitute’ comes from. Prostitution does not have to be for financial gain, and it can be for other things.


A condom may prevent sexual diseases or unwanted pregnancies but it cannot protect your soul from transference of spirits! Break that tie!

What to expect emotionally when having and breaking soul ties:

§ Resistance

§ Sorrow and grief

§ Anger

§ Frustration

§ Fear

§ Anxiety

§ Depression

§ Loss of motivation

§ Difficulty in praying

§ Experience with deliverance issues

Here is a prayer that will encourage you, a prayer to say that nothing will hinder God’s power to set you free from any soul ties! Apply this prayer to your life as you read!

Father, I come to you with an open heart and spirit that cries out to be free. I acknowledge that I need you and that I am bound by soul ties. The soul ties that have been hurtful to my relationship with You and with others. At this moment, I desire to be free from EVERY TIE that would hinder Your ability to release me to my destiny! I am desperate for You! I repent of every sin that has formed this tie. I repent of yielding my soul spirit and body to unhealthy relationships. I repent of yoking myself to people, places and institutions. I choose to turn and walk away from every soul tie!

I RENOUNCE every soul tie, every covenant, every agreement, every vow, every alliance, and every yoke by the authority of Jesus Christ! I cancel every debt. Every obligation and every ungodly connection that exists in my life. I cancel all the effects of every lie, every deceit and curse that has been spoken to me, about me and for me. From this day I will NOT receive the consequences of these ties. These relationships can no longer collect me. I apply the Blood of Jesus NOW, I receive my inheritance, with interest, I am restored and I am whole and I am free and now my soul belongs to YOU!

Thank you Jesus, Amen!

Friday 26 March 2010


The question is, who am I? I’m Lauren Bethany Lamont. I’m 21 years of age, I live in London, I’m planning to study a course on Youth Work, I’m not working, but I know what my goal is, that is to be a qualified Youth Worker and make a difference. This sounds good, as a person you see on the outside, but the question I am asking myself, is WHO AM I IN GOD? WHO AM I WITHOUT GOD?

I can tell you who I am without God. I am a sinner, I am nobody, I am dead, I am wicked, I am full of flesh with no spirituality. I am just Lauren Lamont with nothing good. All I think about is evilness, sin, lust, wickedness, and anything that pleases me and not God. I enjoy the sinful nature. I enjoy the pleasures of the world. I love the attraction, it’s easy and it’s so enjoyable, I don’t think of anybody but myself, I’m selfish and it’s all about me! I love me and I love the world. I say I love Jesus but I don’t really mean it, it’s just easy for me to say every Sunday morning. I can’t wait until church is over because I can go back to sin and enjoy myself again. It’s like a daily routine, its fantastic! I’ve got all my life planned out! I am a genius and only I run my life and no-one else. I don’t pray, I don’t read my bible. It’s boring and I just can’t be bothered. I prefer someone to pray for me than for myself, coz it’s a long ting! I love sex, and I love to rave. I love the pleasure of sin! This is who I am without God!

I’m going to tell you who I am in God. I am holy, I am righteous, I am clean, and I am new person. Everything in my life has changed. My mind is renewed; I no longer conform to this world. I hate sin, and I hate to sin. I truly love God and I worship in Him in truth! I realise that I am a somebody, because He has created me to be a somebody and not a nobody! I am now in the light and not in darkness. I do not fulfil the lusts of the flesh but I walk and live in the spirit. I am crucified with Christ and I live in Him and He in me. I am a new creature and the old things that were in me have now gone, all things are brand new! I am more than a conqueror. I am happy, I am loved, I am faithful. I am all things through Christ Jesus! I love Jesus with a passion. This is who I am in God!

I thought I would share this with you. I hope you will be blessed by reading this because I am actually confessing who I really am!

God bless you x


Friday 12 March 2010


How did I get the name Spirit? It was actually given to me as a nick name by Minister Isaiah Raymond Dyer. Minister Isaiah gave me this name because I apparently have a habit of appearing and disappearing from out of nowhere! The first time Minister Isaiah called me Spirit (well, actually he called me “Pirit”) I kind of liked it and so it stuck.

So I, AKA Spirit, want to give a shout out to the Youth and to give a short account on what it means to live for God and still remain youthful, fashionable and lots of fun. Your girl, Spirit, knows as a young person this can be a REAL challenge. So, read on and be blessed!

Now let’s be real … living for God has to be the most challenging of lifestyles! Reason being, it demands righteous living, it despises wrong doing and it objects to sin. Living for God involves compulsory activities which help to strengthen our spiritual life. These include: praying daily and reading the Bible which is referred to as our Sword. (Eph 6:17).

Also read Romans12:1 which gives a perfect review of sacrificing yourself unto God. When you sacrifice yourself to God, He will give you His amazing grace, His precious Spirit and His great power.

Reading the Bible, the Word of God, ignites us, strengthens us and cleanses us. It helps us to be more aware of our actions, the way we talk, the things we do and the way we behave. Most, importantly, it teaches us how we ought to live.

Spirit wants to tell you that you can have fun, remain fashionable (1 Tim 2:9 describes how women ought to dress, with modesty and sobriety while still looking beautiful and glamorous) and youthful when living for God, which is good news because Spirit loves her shoes and handbags!

There are many things we can do to have fun WITHOUT displeasing God. We can go to the cinema, chill with friends, go to a restaurant, go to a party … as long as it is a place where you do not mind God watching what you’re doing …. you get me dough! Lol!

Finally, God expects you to be YOU! Be free and enjoy yourself in God.


Your girl, Spirit!