Have the blogs I wrote encouraged, helped and ministered to you?

Lauren 'Spirit' says...

Hey people! It's your girl Lauren 'Spirit'! I am honoured, delighted and glad to be the person to encourage, to inspire and spread the word to you because Jesus said we should go all out to the world and spread the news to the people (Mark 16:16).

My aim is to reach young people and touch lives by the messages I post. It is not by my own knowledge, skill or technique but it is the inspiration of God that allows me to write the messages. I know that you will be blessed!

God bless you and I love you!

Your girl, Lauren 'Spirit' x

Friday 26 March 2010


The question is, who am I? I’m Lauren Bethany Lamont. I’m 21 years of age, I live in London, I’m planning to study a course on Youth Work, I’m not working, but I know what my goal is, that is to be a qualified Youth Worker and make a difference. This sounds good, as a person you see on the outside, but the question I am asking myself, is WHO AM I IN GOD? WHO AM I WITHOUT GOD?

I can tell you who I am without God. I am a sinner, I am nobody, I am dead, I am wicked, I am full of flesh with no spirituality. I am just Lauren Lamont with nothing good. All I think about is evilness, sin, lust, wickedness, and anything that pleases me and not God. I enjoy the sinful nature. I enjoy the pleasures of the world. I love the attraction, it’s easy and it’s so enjoyable, I don’t think of anybody but myself, I’m selfish and it’s all about me! I love me and I love the world. I say I love Jesus but I don’t really mean it, it’s just easy for me to say every Sunday morning. I can’t wait until church is over because I can go back to sin and enjoy myself again. It’s like a daily routine, its fantastic! I’ve got all my life planned out! I am a genius and only I run my life and no-one else. I don’t pray, I don’t read my bible. It’s boring and I just can’t be bothered. I prefer someone to pray for me than for myself, coz it’s a long ting! I love sex, and I love to rave. I love the pleasure of sin! This is who I am without God!

I’m going to tell you who I am in God. I am holy, I am righteous, I am clean, and I am new person. Everything in my life has changed. My mind is renewed; I no longer conform to this world. I hate sin, and I hate to sin. I truly love God and I worship in Him in truth! I realise that I am a somebody, because He has created me to be a somebody and not a nobody! I am now in the light and not in darkness. I do not fulfil the lusts of the flesh but I walk and live in the spirit. I am crucified with Christ and I live in Him and He in me. I am a new creature and the old things that were in me have now gone, all things are brand new! I am more than a conqueror. I am happy, I am loved, I am faithful. I am all things through Christ Jesus! I love Jesus with a passion. This is who I am in God!

I thought I would share this with you. I hope you will be blessed by reading this because I am actually confessing who I really am!

God bless you x


Friday 12 March 2010


How did I get the name Spirit? It was actually given to me as a nick name by Minister Isaiah Raymond Dyer. Minister Isaiah gave me this name because I apparently have a habit of appearing and disappearing from out of nowhere! The first time Minister Isaiah called me Spirit (well, actually he called me “Pirit”) I kind of liked it and so it stuck.

So I, AKA Spirit, want to give a shout out to the Youth and to give a short account on what it means to live for God and still remain youthful, fashionable and lots of fun. Your girl, Spirit, knows as a young person this can be a REAL challenge. So, read on and be blessed!

Now let’s be real … living for God has to be the most challenging of lifestyles! Reason being, it demands righteous living, it despises wrong doing and it objects to sin. Living for God involves compulsory activities which help to strengthen our spiritual life. These include: praying daily and reading the Bible which is referred to as our Sword. (Eph 6:17).

Also read Romans12:1 which gives a perfect review of sacrificing yourself unto God. When you sacrifice yourself to God, He will give you His amazing grace, His precious Spirit and His great power.

Reading the Bible, the Word of God, ignites us, strengthens us and cleanses us. It helps us to be more aware of our actions, the way we talk, the things we do and the way we behave. Most, importantly, it teaches us how we ought to live.

Spirit wants to tell you that you can have fun, remain fashionable (1 Tim 2:9 describes how women ought to dress, with modesty and sobriety while still looking beautiful and glamorous) and youthful when living for God, which is good news because Spirit loves her shoes and handbags!

There are many things we can do to have fun WITHOUT displeasing God. We can go to the cinema, chill with friends, go to a restaurant, go to a party … as long as it is a place where you do not mind God watching what you’re doing …. you get me dough! Lol!

Finally, God expects you to be YOU! Be free and enjoy yourself in God.


Your girl, Spirit!